Egao Clinic

Provides pain specialty outpatient, internal medicine,
and preventive care in Minato Ward.

What’s a pain clinic?Our hospital is an outpatient facility
that specializes in pain treatment.

At our hospital, our anesthesiologist, who is capable of emergency treatment, andour pain clinic specialist, who is a pain specialist, will consider the cause of your pain.
In addition to drug therapy,* we also perform treatments such as nerve blocks to reduce pain and focus on mental "suffering."
Please feel free to contact us if you have lower back pain, headaches, stiff shoulders, fibrosalgia, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), or unexplained discomfort or pain.

About us

  • Living a
    pain-free life
  • Maintaining
    health &
  • Spend
    every day

Based on this, we provide treatment tailored to each patient
and contribute to their health maintenance.
We aim to provide the best possible medical care.